mediastore - Android deleting the micro_kind thumbnails after image file deletion -

i populating gridview micro_kind thumbnails using following:

  /* find images of interest   */      imagecursor =    getactivity().getcontentresolver().query(  tent_uri,                 columns,        + " ? ",                 new string[]{"%/housetab" + currenthousenumber + "/%"},                 null);  /* retrieve micro_kind thumbnails   */ int id = imagecursor.getint(image_column_index); thumbnails[i] = mediastore.images.thumbnails.getthumbnail(                     getactivity().getapplicationcontext().getcontentresolver(), id,                     mediastore.images.thumbnails.micro_kind, null); 

the retrieve process works perfectly; issue happen when delete actual image files can not delete micro_kind thumbnails. using right , files images gets deleted micro_kind not deleted , still visible in gridview after refresh. rid of thumbnail have turn off device or unmount/mount of sdcard.

  int count = imagecursor.getcount();     int image_column_index = imagecursor.getcolumnindex(;     contentresolver cr = getactivity().getapplicationcontext().getcontentresolver();      (int = 0; < count; i++) {         new file(arrpath[i]).delete(); // delete actual image file         imagecursor.movetoposition(i);          long id = imagecursor.getint(image_column_index);          /* delete thumbnails ???? not working    */         cr.delete(mediastore.images.thumbnails.external_content_uri, mediastore.images.thumbnails.image_id +                 "= ?",new string[]{"" + id}); 

by way arrpath retrieve mediastore using following:

int datacolumnindex = imagecursor.getcolumnindex(; arrpath[i] = imagecursor.getstring(datacolumnindex); 

i try following delete thumbnails without success.

 mediascannerconnection.scanfile(             getactivity().getapplicationcontext(),             new string[]{arrpath[i]},             null,             new mediascannerconnection.onscancompletedlistener() {                 @override                 public void onscancompleted(string path, uri uri) {                     refreshimages();                 }             }); 

so how remove entry database when imagecursor refreshed after file deletion imagecursor empty , no micro_kind or data matter returned???

any appreciated.

hopefully others. manage delete entry mediastore hence micro_kind thumbnails using following:

 uri uri = contenturis.withappendedid(,             id);     cr.delete(uri,null,null); 

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