node.js - Check if bulk is empty in mongoDB -

is there way check if mongodb bulk has operations before calling .execute() on it? pretty sure don't send empty objects insert keep getting error on 1 document

invalid operation, no operations in bulk 

here code:


and insert object looks this

{ acctstatustypeu: '3',   acctsessionid: '1183628512-105130252',   h323setuptimeu: '<sip:27117929995@>',   h323connecttimeu: sun mar 08 2015 19:30:37 gmt+0100 (cet),   acmesessionegressrealmu: '620',   acmesessioningressrealmu: 'core_psx'  } 

i see objects inserted still error. way nodejs driver talking , using unorderedbulkop insert documents.

i run same problem. check bulk.length

if (bulk.length > 0) {     // run bulk operations } 

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