Regex to extract first part of string in Apache Pig -

i need extract post code district input data below

ab55 4 dd7 6ll dd5 2hi 

my code

a = load 'data' postcode:chararray; b = foreach { code_district = regex_extract(postcode,'<some exp>',1); generate code_district; }; dump b; 

output should like

ab55 dd7 dd5 

what should regular expression extract first part of string?

can try below regex?


a = load 'input' postcode:chararray; code_district = foreach generate regex_extract(postcode,'(\\w+).*',1); dump code_district; 


a = load 'input' postcode:chararray; code_district = foreach generate regex_extract(postcode,'([a-za-z0-9]+).*',1); dump code_district; 


(ab55) (dd7) (dd5) 

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