objective c - registerUserNotificationSettings only asks me once if "APPNAME would like to use push notifications". I need it to ask me again for testing. How? -

i'm testing push notifications right now.

registerusernotificationsettings supposed ask user once , once if "appname send push notifications". however, i'm testing app right , need ask me again. i've deleted application device, , re-run application on device xcode cannot ask me again.

what need delete device question show again?

i found answer. https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/technotes/tn2265/_index.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/dts40010376-ch1-tntag42

resetting push notifications permissions alert on ios

the first time push-enabled app registers push notifications, ios asks user if wish receive notifications app. once user has responded alert not presented again unless device restored or app has been uninstalled @ least day.

if want simulate first-time run of app, can leave app uninstalled day. can achieve latter without waiting day following these steps:

1) delete app device.

2) turn device off , turn on.

3) go settings > general > date & time , set date ahead day or more.

4) turn device off again , turn on.

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