i trying split utf-8 string bytes in python 3. problem is, when use bytearray, byte, encode etc functions array size of element 14 bytes, not 1 byte expected. need split text file sequence of bytes , send them byte after byte using sockets. tried this: infile = open (file, "r") str = infile.read() byte_str = bytes(str, 'utf-8') print("size of byte_str",sys.getsizeof(byte_str[0])) print gives me 14, need 1... suggestion? quoting official documentation : sys.getsizeof(object[, default]) return size of object in bytes. object can type of object. built-in objects return correct results, not have hold true third-party extensions implementation specific. only memory consumption directly attributed object accounted for, not memory consumption of objects refers to. if given, default returned if object not provide means retrieve size. otherwise typeerror raised. getsizeof() calls object’s __sizeof__ method , adds ...
i want compress , decompress ecg signal stored text message text file , find out file size, cr,prd ratio,and qs. here code compression , decompression of ecg signal using huffman algorithm. i'm trying find out file size, compression ratio,prd ratio,qs. but error i'm getting the ecg file in text format. %clearing variables , screen enter code here clear all; close all; clc; [file1]=uigetfile('*.txt'); %fprintf('enter ecg file name :%s',file1); p=file1; t=sprintf('%s',p); b1=dlmread([file1]); len=length(b1); lead=input('enter lead number :'); %lead=str2double(lead); col2=b1(1:end,lead); e=fix(sqrt(len)); m=1; i=1:e j=1:e g2(i,j)=fix(col2(m)*1000); %amplifying 1000 m=m+1; end end g3=g2; i=1:e j=1:e ...