java - Using another classes values from its getter method -

i've spent while trying different things try homework assignment work correctly can't figure out , it's last part presume staring me in face. when enter first name , last name , press add account , confirm should add account arraylist , when press no. of accounts should show me how many accounts there in total, keeps showing 0.

enter image description here


import java.util.*;   public class basicaccountlist {     private arraylist < basicaccount> accounts;      /**      * create basicaccount.       */     public basicaccountlist()     {         accounts = new arraylist < basicaccount>();     }      /**      * add account account list.      * @param account accountobject added      */     public void addaccount(basicaccount account)     {         accounts.add(account);     }      /**      * return number of accounts held.      *       * @return number of accounts      */     public int getnumberofaccounts()     {         return accounts.size();     }  } 


public class basicaccount {     private name name;     private string accountnumber;      /**      * constructor objects of class account.      * number of pointsheld should should set      * supplied value.      *       * @param fname account holder's first name       * @param lname account holder's last name      * @param acctnumber account number      */     public basicaccount(string fname, string lname, string acctnumber)     {          name = new name (fname, lname);         accountnumber = acctnumber;      }      // accessors      /**      * account holder's first name      *       * @return account holder's first name      */     public string getfirstname()     {         return name.getfirst();     }      /**      * account holder's last name      *       * @return account holder's last name      */     public string getlastname()     {         return name.getlast();     }      /**      * account holder's account number      *       * @return account holder's account number      */     public string getaccountnumber()     {         return accountnumber;     }       public void printaccountdetails()     {         system.out.println( tostring());     }           /**      * return details of account formated string      *       * @return account details of particular account      */      public string tostring()         {         string output = accountnumber + " ";         output = output + name.tostring() + "\n";               return output;     }      // mutators              /**      * change first name      *       * @param fname new first name      *       */     public void setfirstname(string fname)     {         name.setfirst (fname);     }      /**      * change last name      *       * @param lname new last name      *       */     public void setlastname(string lname)     {         name.setlast(lname);     }   } // end account class 

relevant code in gui class

/**  * write description of class hw4gui here.  *   * @author (your name)   * @version (a version number or date)  */  import javax.swing.*;  import java.awt.*;  import java.awt.event.*;  public class hw4gui extends jframe implements actionlistener          {     private basicaccountlist accounts;      private jpanel buttonpanel;      private jbutton jbtadd;     private jbutton jbtnumber;     private jbutton jbtquit;     private jlabel jlbacctno;     private  jlabel jlbfname;     private jlabel jlblname;     private jtextfield jtfacctno;     private  jtextfield jtffname;     private  jtextfield jtflname;     private int nextacctno;     private jpanel textpanel;      public hw4gui ()     {         makeframe();         showframe();         nextacctno = 1001;       }     public void actionperformed(actionevent ae)      {          basicaccountlist accountlist = new basicaccountlist ();         string item = ae.getactioncommand();         string firstnametext = jtffname.gettext();         string lastnametext = jtflname.gettext();         string finalaccountnumber = jtfacctno.gettext();          if(item.equals("no. of accounts"))         {             jbtadd.setenabled(false);             jbtnumber.settext ("clear");             jlbacctno.settext("no. of accounts:");               //accounts.getnumberofaccounts();              basicaccount newaccount = new basicaccount(firstnametext, lastnametext, finalaccountnumber);              string accounttotal = integer.tostring (accountlist.getnumberofaccounts());              jtfacctno.settext (accounttotal);           }       } 

you create basicaccountlist inside actionperformed method. means, every time click button, generate new basicaccountlist , perform operations on list, not 1 held hw4gui.

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