javascript - Error Response when Redirecting from IdentityServer3 using AngulrJs and Angular Ui Router -

i'm creating test app working identityserver 3 , i'm using angularjs, angular ui router , oauth-ng library creating this. app needs work openid connect authorization code flow in client side. have made quite small changes oauth-ng library.

my test app connects identityserver3 , gets authentication code , state. when server redirects redirect url getting 404 error.the following message

enter image description here

but url has authorization code , state included in it. here of code wrote.

login.html - view login

<oauth     site="https://localhost:44333/core"     client-id="codeclient"     response-type="code" // <= added attribute     redirect-uri="http://localhost:4443/redirect"     scope="openid profile email"> </oauth> 

the redirect url in identityserver configured. following url returned identityserver3


but above error happens. firefox browser gave error on console stating mixtype error suggesting switch https http. tried following python script did not work either. can 1 please help.

you have set right authorize-path. check settings

<oauth site="https://localhost:44333" client-id="angular-client-id" redirect-uri="http://localhost:9000" authorize-path="/connect/authorize" response-type="id_token token" nonce="value" scope="openid profile {your resource scope}" style="width: 50%"> 

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