Python build one dictionary from a list of keys, and a list of lists of values -

so have list of keys:

keys = ['id','name', 'date', 'size', 'actions'] 

and have list of lists of vales:

values=     [         ['1','john','23-04-2015','0','action1'],         ['2','jane','23-04-2015','1','action2']     ] 

how can build dictionary keys matched values?

the output should be:

{     'id':['1','2'],     'name':['john','jane'],     'date':['23-04-2015','23-04-2015'],     'size':['0','1'],     'actions':['action1','action2'] } 

edit: tried use zip() , dict(), work if list of values had 1 list, i.e. values = [['1','john','23-04-2015','0','action1']]

for list in values:     dic = dict(zip(keys,list)) 

i thought initialising dic keys, building list of values on own, felt there had easier way it.

dic = dict.fromkeys(keys)  list in values:     ids = list[0]     names = list[1]     dates = list[2]     sizes = list[3]     actions = list[4] 


dic['id'] = ids dic['name'] = names dic['date'] = dates dic['size'] = sizes dic['action'] = actions 

this seemed silly , wondering better way of doing be.

>>> keys = ['id','name', 'date', 'size', 'actions'] >>> values = [['1','john','23-04-2015','0','action1'], ['2','jane','23-04-2015','1','action2']] >>> c = {x:list(y) x,y in zip(keys, zip(*values))} >>> c {'id': ['1', '2'], 'size': ['0', '1'], 'actions': ['action1', 'action2'], 'date': ['23-04-2015', '23-04-2015'], 'name': ['john', 'jane']} >>> print(*(': '.join([item, ', '.join(c.get(item))]) item in sorted(c, key=lambda x: keys.index(x))), sep='\n') id: 1, 2 name: john, jane date: 23-04-2015, 23-04-2015 size: 0, 1 actions: action1, action2 

this uses several tools:

c created dictionary comprehension. comprehensions different way of expressing iterable dictionary or list. instead of initializing empty iterable , using loop add elements it, comprehension moves these syntactical structures around.

result = [2*num num in range(10) if num%2] 

is equivalent to

result = [] num in range(10):     if num%2: # shorthand "if num%2 results in non-zero", or "if num not divisible 2"         result.append(2*num) 

and [2, 6, 10, 14, 18].

zip() creates generator of tuples, each element of each tuple corresponding element of 1 of arguments passed zip().

>>> list(zip(['a','b'], ['c','d'])) [('a', 'c'), ('b', 'd')] 

zip() takes multiple arguments - if pass 1 large list containing smaller sublists, result different:

>>> list(zip([['a','b'], ['c','d']])) [(['a', 'b'],), (['c', 'd'],)] 

and not want. however, our values list such list: large list containing sublists. want zip() sublists. great time use * operator.

the * operator represents "unpacked" iterable.

>>> print(*[1,2,3]) 1 2 3 >>> print(1, 2, 3) 1 2 3 

it used in function definitions:

>>> def func(*args): ...    return args ... >>> func('a', 'b', []) ('a', 'b', []) 

so, create dictionary, zip() lists of values together, zip() keys. iterate through each of tuples , create dictionary out of them, each tuple's first item being key , second item being value (cast list instead of tuple).

to print this, make large looping structure, or can make generators (quicker assemble , process full data structures list) , iterate through them, making heavy use of * unpack things. remember, in python 3, print can accept multiple arguments, seen above.

we first sort dictionary, using each element's position in keys key. if use key=len, sends each element len() function , uses returned length key. use lambda define inline, unnamed function, takes argument x , returns x's index in list of keys. note dictionary isn't sorted; we're setting can iterate through according sort order.

then can go through sorted dictionary , assemble elements printable strings. @ top level, join() key value separated ': '. each value has elements join()ed ', '. note if elements weren't strings, have turn them strings join() work.

>>> list(map(str, [1,2,3])) ['1', '2', '3'] >>> print(*map(str, [1,2,3])) 1 2 3 

the generator yields each of these join()ed lines unpacked * operator, , each element sent argument print(), specifying separator of '\n' (new line) instead of default ' ' (space).

it's fine use loops instead of comprehensions , *, , rearrange them such structures after logic functional, if want. it's not particularly necessary of time. comprehensions execute faster equivalent loops, , practice may come prefer syntax of comprehensions. learn * operator, though - it's enormously versatile tool defining functions. ** (often referred "double star" or "kwargs"), unpacks dictionaries keyword arguments , can used define functions.

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