android - How to get unread SMS when just receive it? -
i'm building unread sms relay application. there phone , b, when receives sms , no 1 read it, application relay b. find when receives sms, there system notification display. contentobserver
's onchange()
method called until disappear notification. should unread sms when receive it?
public newincomingcontentobserver(handler handler, application application) { super(handler); this.mapplication = application; } @override public void onchange(boolean selfchange) { system.out.println(selfchange); super.onchange(selfchange); uri uri = uri.parse(sms_uri_inbox); mmessagelistener.onreceived(this.getsmsinfo(uri, mapplication)); } /** * newest sms */ private smsinfo getsmsinfo(uri uri, application application) { ... } public interface messagelistener { public void onreceived(smsinfo smsinfo); } public void setonreceivedmessagelistener( messagelistener messagelistener) { this.mmessagelistener = messagelistener; } }
public class smslistenerservice extends service { public static final string uri = "content://sms/inbox"; public smslistenerservice() { } @override public ibinder onbind(intent intent) { throw new unsupportedoperationexception("not yet implemented"); } @override public int onstartcommand(intent intent, int flags, int startid) { //register observer newincomingcontentobserver smscontentobserver = new newincomingcontentobserver(new handler(), getapplication()); this.getcontentresolver().registercontentobserver (uri.parse(uri), true, smscontentobserver); smscontentobserver.setonreceivedmessagelistener(new newincomingcontentobserver.messagelistener() { @override public void onreceived(smsinfo smsinfo) { system.out.println(smsinfo); } }); return start_not_sticky; } }
an example borrowed (, example phonegap plugin can still use it:
public class smsreceiver extends broadcastreceiver { public static final string sms_extra_name = "pdus"; // broadcast boolean used continue or not message broadcast // other broadcastreceivers waiting incoming sms (like native sms app) private boolean broadcast = false; @override public void onreceive(context ctx, intent intent) { // sms map intent bundle extras = intent.getextras(); if (extras != null) { // received sms array object[] smsextra = (object[]) extras.get(sms_extra_name); (int i=0; < smsextra.length; i++) { smsmessage sms = smsmessage.createfrompdu((byte[]) smsextra[i]); string formattedmsg = sms.getoriginatingaddress() + ">" + sms.getmessagebody(); } // if plugin active , don't want broadcast other receivers if (!broadcast) { this.abortbroadcast(); } } } }
and in androidmanifest:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.receive_sms"/>