javascript - Full Size AmCharts -
i using amcharts website, make full size. example, have code:
<style> #chartdiv { width : 50%; height : 500px; float : left; } </style> <script> var chart = amcharts.makechart( "chartdiv", { "type": "pie", "theme": "light", "automargins": false, "margintop": 2, "marginbottom": 2, "marginleft": 2, "marginright": 2, "fontsize": 14, "dataprovider": [ { "type": "open issues", "number": op }, { "type": "closed issues", "number": cl }, { "type": "deferred issues", "number": df }, { "type": "vendor issues", "number": ve }, { "type": "faq issues", "number": fq } ], "valuefield": "number", "titlefield": "type", "export": { "enabled": true, "libs": { "path": "" } } } ); </script> <div id="chartdiv"></div>
i want make charts expand fully. possible? referred site help. said use margins 0 , set automargins false, have tried doesn't work.
try this
width : 100%; height : 100%;
make sure don't have parent div above chart div.