c# - Asynchronous task for image resize -

this image resizer class:

using system; using system.drawing; using system.drawing.imaging; using system.drawing.drawing2d; using system.io; using system.threading.tasks; public class imageresize {     private static imagecodecinfo jpgencoder;     public async static void resizeimage(string infile, string outfile,     double maxdimension, long level)     {         byte[] buffer;         using (stream stream = new filestream(infile, filemode.open))         {             buffer = new byte[stream.length];             await task<int>.factory.fromasync(stream.beginread, stream.endread,             buffer, 0, buffer.length, null);         }         using (memorystream memstream = new memorystream(buffer))         {             using (image inimage = image.fromstream(memstream))             {                  double width;                 double height;                 if (inimage.height < inimage.width)                 {                     width = maxdimension;                     height = (maxdimension / (double)inimage.width) * inimage.height;                 }                 else                 {                     height = maxdimension;                     width = (maxdimension / (double)inimage.height) * inimage.width;                 }                 using (bitmap bitmap = new bitmap((int)width, (int)height))                 {                     using (graphics graphics = graphics.fromimage(bitmap))                     {                          graphics.smoothingmode = smoothingmode.highquality;                         graphics.interpolationmode =                         interpolationmode.highqualitybicubic;                         graphics.drawimage(inimage, 0, 0, bitmap.width, bitmap.height);                          if (inimage.rawformat.guid == imageformat.jpeg.guid)                         {                             if (jpgencoder == null)                             {                                 imagecodecinfo[] ici =                                 imagecodecinfo.getimagedecoders();                                 foreach (imagecodecinfo info in ici)                                 {                                     if (info.formatid == imageformat.jpeg.guid)                                     {                                         jpgencoder = info;                                         break;                                     }                                 }                             }                             if (jpgencoder != null)                             {                                 encoderparameters ep = new encoderparameters(1);                                 ep.param[0] = new encoderparameter(encoder.quality,                                 level);                                 bitmap.save(outfile, jpgencoder, ep);                             }                             else                                 bitmap.save(outfile, inimage.rawformat);                         }                         else                         {                             //                             // fill white transparent gifs                             //                             graphics.fillrectangle(brushes.white, 0, 0, bitmap.width,                             bitmap.height);                             bitmap.save(outfile, inimage.rawformat);                         }                     }                 }             }         }     } } 

and register button server click:

    httppostedfile file = request.files["ctl00$cph$postfile"];     string filename = "";      if (file.contentlength > 0)     {         string[] validext = { ".jpg", ".jpeg" };          string fileext = path.getextension(file.filename).tolower();          if (array.indexof(validext, fileext) < 0)         {             return;         }         if (file.contentlength / 1024 > 5120)         {             return;         }         string path = server.mappath("~/upload/image_upload/ads/");         string[] s = file.filename.split('\\');          filename = system.io.path.getfilename(s[s.length - 1]);         while (system.io.file.exists(path + filename))         {             random r = new random();             int rn = (datetime.now + r.next().tostring()).gethashcode();             filename = rn + " " + filename;         }         string fullpath = path + filename;         file.saveas(fullpath);         imageresize.resizeimage(fullpath, fullpath, 800, 80);         string thpath = path + "th\\" + filename;         file.saveas(thpath);         imageresize.resizeimage(thpath, thpath, 300, 90);      }     sqlconnection con = new sqlconnection(cs);      stringbuilder sb = new stringbuilder();     sb.append("begin try begin transaction");     sb.append(" declare @result bit=0; declare @ad_id int;");     sb.append("insert tbl_ads(ad_title,ad_brief,ad_text,ad_pic,ad_datesave,ad_is_accept,ad_is_show,ad_visit,ad_type,ad_user,ad_is_slide)");     sb.append(" values(@ad_title,@ad_brief,@ad_text,@ad_pic,@ad_datesave,@ad_is_accept,@ad_is_show,@ad_visit,@ad_type,@ad_user,@ad_is_slide);");     sb.append("set @ad_id=scope_identity();");      sqlcommand cmd = new sqlcommand();     cmd.connection = con;      cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@ad_title", txt_title.value);     cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@ad_brief", txt_brief.value);     cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@ad_text", txt_full.value);     cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@ad_pic", filename);     cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@ad_datesave", persiandate.getdate(0));     cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@ad_is_accept", chk_accept.checked);     cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@ad_is_show", chk_show.checked);     cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@ad_visit", 0);     cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@ad_type", lst_type.value);     cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@ad_user", -1*(int)session["u_id"]);     cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@ad_is_slide", chk_slide.checked);       string[] subcatids = inp_subcats.value.split(',');     string[] stateids = inp_states.value.split(',');     string[] cityids = inp_cities.value.split(',');       if (catids[0] != "")     {         (int = 0; < catids.length; i++)         {             cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@cat_id" + i, catids[i]);             sb.append("insert tbl_inf_adcat(ad_id,cat_id) values(@ad_id,@cat_id" + + ");");         }     }      if (subcatids[0] != "")     {         (int = 0; < subcatids.length; i++)         {             cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@subcat_id" + i, subcatids[i]);             sb.append("insert tbl_inf_adsubcat(ad_id,subcat_id) values(@ad_id,@subcat_id" + + ");");         }     }      if (stateids[0] != "")     {         (int = 0; < stateids.length; i++)         {             cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@state_id" + i, stateids[i]);             sb.append("insert tbl_inf_adstate(ad_id,state_id) values(@ad_id,@state_id" + + ");");         }     }      if (cityids[0] != "")     {         (int = 0; < cityids.length; i++)         {             cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@city_id" + i, cityids[i]);             sb.append("insert tbl_inf_adcity(ad_id,city_id) values(@ad_id,@city_id" + + ");");         }     }       sb.append("commit set @result=1 select @result  end try begin catch if @@trancount > 0 rollback select  @result end catch");      cmd.commandtext = sb.tostring();      try     {          con.open();          bool result = convert.toboolean(cmd.executescalar());          if (result == true)         {             clientalert.modalboxinfo(this, "success");          }         else         {             clientalert.modalboxalert(this, "error");         }      }     catch     {         clientalert.modalboxalert(this, "error");     }         {         con.close();     }  } 

but when want run method error occur :

an asynchronous module or handler completed while asynchronous operation still pending.

i used async="true" in page directive , test in visual studio in real host has error. because used transaction? advance regards.

no, it's because of

await task<int>.factory.fromasync(stream.beginread, stream.endread,         buffer, 0, buffer.length, null); 

the tricky part async method returning void. that's big no-no unless know you're doing (which don't right now). have return task instead, , same other callers way request handler itself. allow marshal awaited callback original request thread - otherwise, request end, causing callback work on completed request.

for await code work correctly, need have unbroken chain of task-returning methods, simple that. otherwise, @ point you're calling void-returning method returns , continue on next statement, while background task still running.

or, if want fire-and-forget action, without having request wait resize done, can force await not try marshalling request thread:

await task<int>.factory.fromasync(stream.beginread, stream.endread,         buffer, 0, buffer.length, null).configureawait(false); 

also, it's bad idea save input file file first. have need work input stream directly, why want save intermediate file? quite fail on file locking issue.

and, when using such fire-and-forget tasks, make sure proper error handling. depending on .net framework version , configuration, unhandled exception in non-awaited task kill whole process.

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