excel - Search array of thing and spit it out in different column -

is there way break math calculation in different column str1+str2 /str3-str4*str5-str6 columns str1 , str2 , str3 str4 , str5 , str6. there no particular order , may occur multiple time.

this may need:

sub splitonsigns() dim x long, mystring string, mysign variant, myarr variant mysign = array("+", "-", "*", "/") mystring = activecell.text x = lbound(mysign) ubound(mysign)     mystring = replace(mystring, mysign(x), "|") next myarr = split(mystring, "|") range(activecell.offset(0, 1).address & ":" & activecell.offset(0, ubound(myarr) + 1).address) = myarr end sub 

you can add more entries here:

mysign = array("+", "-", "*", "/") 

if there more signs split on. assumes data doesn't have pipes in "|" can change split char unused 1 if needed.

it works progressivly replacing signs pipe, splits string array using pipe split, posts array range next active cell

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