ios - [ valueForUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key appointmentDate.' - swift -

i want sort array of object below function sort array of object

    class func fn_sortbyparameter(arraytosort:nsmutablearray,paramname:nsstring!, isascending:bool!){     var sortdescriptor:nssortdescriptor = nssortdescriptor(key: paramname, ascending: isascending, selector: selector("localizedcompare:"))     var sortdescriptors:nsarray = nsarray(object: sortdescriptor)     var sortedarray:nsarray = arraytosort.sortedarrayusingdescriptors(sortdescriptors)     arraytosort.removeallobjects()     arraytosort.addobjectsfromarray(sortedarray) } 


class func fn_sortbyparameter(arraytosort:nsmutablearray,paramname:nsstring!, isascending:bool!){     var sortdescriptor:nssortdescriptor = nssortdescriptor(key: paramname, ascending: isascending)     var sortdescriptors:nsarray = nsarray(object: sortdescriptor)     var sortedarray:nsarray = arraytosort.sortedarrayusingdescriptors(sortdescriptors)     arraytosort.removeallobjects()     arraytosort.addobjectsfromarray(sortedarray) } 

array contains objects of below class

class appointment: nsobject {       var id:double!       var status:nsstring!       var clinic:clinic!       var medicalcase:medicalcase!       var patient:patient!       var appointmentdate:double! // unix timestamp       var reasonforvisit:nsstring!       var cancellationreason:nsstring!       var visit:visit!     } 

when trying sort crashing below error

[ valueforundefinedkey:]: class not key value coding-compliant key appointmentdate.'

function call sort

fn_sortbyparameter(allappointments.aadata, paramname: "appointmentdate", isascending: true) 

the problem you're running optional value types double! not exposed objective-c runtime , not available key-value coding.

you can make non-optional: var appointmentdate:double, use nsnumber object: var appointmentdate:nsnumber!, or use swift array , built-in sorted function.

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