generics - Grunt: How to generically run less task on multiple files that the watch task detects? -

how can set grunt script run less task on multiple files watch task detects? is possible without using "grunt.event.on('watch'..." hack?

this solution works 1 file, when 2 files saved @ same time (in visual studio) 1 css generated.

the script:

'usestrict'; module.exports = function (grunt) {     grunt.initconfig({         globalconfig: globalconfig,         less: {             all: {                 options: {                     compress: false,                 },                 files: '',             },         },         watch: {             all: {                 files: [                         'main/**/*.less',                                        ],                 tasks: ['less'],                 options: {                     nospawn: true                 }             }         }            });      grunt.loadnpmtasks('grunt-contrib-less');     grunt.loadnpmtasks('grunt-contrib-watch');      grunt.event.on('watch', function(action, filepath) {          // handling .less imports when watch task         // detects change in imported file, "the main .less file         // import" compiled, instead of imported file.         // naming convention imported files: title of main file          // imports + "-" + name describing imported file         // e.g. main.less, main-colors.less, main-structure.less, main-utility.less          var splittedpath = filepath.split('/');         var filename = splittedpath[splittedpath.length - 1];         delete splittedpath[splittedpath.length - 1];         var filedirectorypath = splittedpath.join('/');         var splittedfilename = filename.split('-');         if (splittedfilename.length > 1){             filepath = filedirectorypath + splittedfilename[0] + '.less';         }          grunt.config(['less', 'all', 'files'], [{             expand: true,             src: filepath,             ext: '.css',         }]);     });      grunt.registertask('default', ['watch']); }; 

all appreciated! thanks!

after research , on grunt-contrib-watch forum managed find answer question.

first of it's not possible without "grunt.event.on('watch'..." hack.

the way implement several files saved @ same time found here , easy implement:

the result of updated code solving issue:

'usestrict'; module.exports = function (grunt) {     grunt.initconfig({         globalconfig: globalconfig,         less: {             all: {                 files: 'event load filepaths on fly',                 options: {                     compress: false,                 }             },         },         watch: {             all: {                 files: ['main/**/*.less'],                 tasks: ['less'],                 options: {                     nospawn: true                 }             }         }            });      grunt.loadnpmtasks('grunt-contrib-less');     grunt.loadnpmtasks('grunt-contrib-watch');      var changedfiles = object.create(null);     var onchange = grunt.util._.debounce(function() {         grunt.config(['less', 'all', 'files'], [{             expand: true,             src: object.keys(changedfiles),             ext: '.css',         }]);         changedfiles = object.create(null);     }, 200);      grunt.event.on('watch', function(action, filepath) {         // handling .less imports when watch task         // detects change in imported file main .less file         // imports compiled instead of imported file.         // naming convention imported files:         // title of main file imports + "-" + name describing imported file         var splittedpath = filepath.split('/');         var filename = splittedpath[splittedpath.length - 1];         delete splittedpath[splittedpath.length - 1];         var filedirectorypath = splittedpath.join('/');         var splittedfilename = filename.split('-');         if (splittedfilename.length > 1){             filepath = filedirectorypath + splittedfilename[0] + '.less';         }          changedfiles[filepath] = action;         onchange();     });      grunt.registertask('default', ['watch']); }; 

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