algorithm - How to use a Linear Search in this particular instance in C#? -

i'm reading text file of dates this

string[] date ="date.txt"); 

i converting them this

datetime[] dates = array.convertall(date, s => datetime.parse(s)); 

how can use linear search search specific date in array can link dates other arrays have? can't them link or output.

i have them sorting in quick sort this

public static void quick_sort<t>(t[] data, int left, int right)     t : icomparable<t>     {         t temp;         int i, j;         t pivot;         = left;         j = right;         pivot = data[(left + right) / 2];                 {             while ((data[i].compareto(pivot) < 0) && (i < right)) i++;             while ((pivot.compareto(data[j]) < 0) && (j > left)) j--;             if (i <= j)             {                 temp = data[i];                 data[i] = data[j];                 data[j] = temp;                 i++;                 j--;             }         } while (i <= j);          if (left < j) quick_sort(data, left, j);         if (i < right) quick_sort(data, i, right);     } 

and have output this

 quick_sort(dates, 0, 143);                 (int = 0; < dates.length; i++)                 {                     console.writeline(dates[i].tostring("dd/mm/yyyy"));                 } 

i hope explains want do.


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