c++ - How Do I Set WSABUF.buf For Text And Bin Buffer? -

i'm refactoring code not use std::vector<byte>. how make happen?

somehow, wsasend() prefers have wsabuf.buf pointing std::vector<byte> work image files (.jpg, .png, etc).

during testing, image/* mimetypes return net::err_content_length_mismatch.

byte* httpresponse::getresponse2(ulong *len) {     dword dwthreadid = getcurrentthreadid();     char *buffer = (char*)malloc(data_bufsize);     memset(buffer, 0, data_bufsize);      std::vector<byte> binbuffer = m_sbresponse;      std::string ctstr;     ctstr.assign(contentype.begin(), contentype.end());     size_t siz = binbuffer.size();     std::string ssiz = std::to_string(siz);      strcpy_s(buffer, data_bufsize, resp_ok);     strcat_s(buffer, data_bufsize, "\n");     strcat_s(buffer, data_bufsize, "date: ");     strcat_s(buffer, data_bufsize, "may 10, 2015");     strcat_s(buffer, data_bufsize, "\n");     strcat_s(buffer, data_bufsize, "content-type: ");     strcat_s(buffer, data_bufsize, ctstr.c_str());     strcat_s(buffer, data_bufsize, "\n");     strcat_s(buffer, data_bufsize, "content-length: ");     strcat_s(buffer, data_bufsize, ssiz.c_str());     strcat_s(buffer, data_bufsize, "\n");     strcat_s(buffer, data_bufsize, "\n");      int bufsiz = strlen(buffer) + binbuffer.size() + 1;     byte* buffer2 = (byte*)malloc(bufsiz);     memset(buffer2, 0, bufsiz);     strcpy_s((char*)buffer2, strlen(buffer)+1, buffer);     int n = strlen((char*)buffer2);      std::vector<byte>::iterator it;     (it = binbuffer.begin(); != binbuffer.end(); it++)     {         byte b = *it;         buffer2[n++] = b;     }      *len = strlen((char*)buffer2);      return buffer2; } 

is there property need set wsa* work i'm trying do?

the file sits in repository.

try more instead:

byte* httpresponse::getresponse2(ulong *len) {     *len = 0;      std::ostringstream oss;                 oss << resp_ok << "\n"     oss << "date: " << "may 10, 2015" << "\n";     oss << "content-type: " << contentype << "\n";     oss << "content-length: " << m_sbresponse.size() << "\n";     oss << "\n";      std::string s = oss.str();      int bufsiz = s.length() + m_sbresponse.size();     byte* buffer2 = (byte*) malloc(bufsiz);     if (buffer2)     {         std::copy(s.begin(), s.end(), buffer2);         std::copy(m_sbresponse.begin(), m_sbresponse.end(), &buffer2[s.length()]);         *len = bufsiz;     }      return buffer2; } 

that being said, suggest not returning byte*. getresponse() method takes output std::vector<byte> parameter, should stick model:

void httpresponse::getresponse2(std::vector<byte> *pv) {     pv->clear();      std::ostringstream oss;                 oss << resp_ok << "\n"     oss << "date: " << "may 10, 2015" << "\n";     oss << "content-type: " << contentype << "\n";     oss << "content-length: " << m_sbresponse.size() << "\n";     oss << "\n";      std::string s = oss.str();      pv->reserve(s.length() + m_sbresponse.size());     std::copy(s.begin(), s.end(), std::back_inserter(*pv));     std::copy(m_sbresponse.begin(), m_sbresponse.end(), std::back_inserter(*pv)); } 

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