javascript - SyntaxError: expected expression, got ')' -

i've been stuck @ error few days , still couldn't figure out wrong. great if point me right direction of solving issue.

update: realise error gone when commented "addmessages(xml)" in updatemsg() function. how make work then?



$(document).ready(function () {     var msg = $("#msg");     var log = $("#log");     var timestamp = 0;      $("#name").focus();      $("#login").click(function() {         var name = $("#name").val();         if (!name) {             alert("please enter name!");             return false;         }          var username = new regexp('^[0-9a-za-z]+$');          if (!username.test(name)){             alert("invalid user name! \n please not use following characters \n `~!@#$^&*()=|{}':;',\\[\\].<>/?~@#");             return false;         }          $.ajax({             url: 'login.php',             type: 'post',             datatype: 'json',             data: {name: name},             success: function() {                 $(".login").hide();             }         })         return false;     });      $("#form").submit(function() {         if (!msg.val()) {             return false;         }          $.ajax({             url: 'add_message.php',             type: 'post',             datatype: 'json',             data: {message: msg.val()},         })          msg.val("");          return false      });      window.setinterval(function () {         updatemsg();     }, 300);      function updatemsg() {         $.post('server.php', {datasize: '1024'}, function(xml) {             addmessages(xml);         });     }      function addmessages(xml) {          var json = eval('('+xml+')');          $.each(json, function(i, v) {              tt = parseint(v.time);                 if (tt > timestamp) {                 console.log(v.message);                 appendlog($("<div/>").text('[' + v.username + ']' + v.message));                 timestamp = tt             }         });     }      function appendlog(msg) {         var d = log[0]         var doscroll = d.scrolltop == d.scrollheight - d.clientheight;         msg.appendto(log)         if (doscroll) {             d.scrolltop = d.scrollheight - d.clientheight;         }     } }); 

it might read on eval bit. looks doesn't think does.

eval() dangerous function, executes code it's passed privileges of caller.


there safer (and faster!) alternatives eval() common use-cases.

it looks you're trying data server in form of json. you'll need make sure server returns valid json, can verify here. server-side programming languages have library turn object json make piece of cake. here's example php.

on client-side, you'll need change var json = eval('(' + xml + ')'); var json = json.parse(xml); give javascript version of php/perl/python/etc object. if it's array, can iterate through for loop, array.prototype.foreach, or variety of functions different libraries, such $.each or _.each.

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