tcl - Expect script help - capturing data from send command -

i wrote script sends ios files cisco device if there enough free space, if there isn't enough free space- delete file until there is. works fine , dandy unless ios happens in directory.

pseudo code:

send directory command parse output , put in format flash:c3560-ipservicesk9-mz.150-2.se7.bin flash:/testfolder/c3560-ipservicesk9-mz.120-2.se7.bin 

actual code:

set index 0 send "dir /recursive \n" expect {         #this new code         -nocase -re "directory of (\[^\r\]+)" {                 set test $expect_out(1,string)                 exp_continue         }         #old code grabbed ios, working         -nocase -re "(\[^\[:space:\]\]+.bin)" {                 append test ":$expect_out(1,string)"                 set ioses($index) $test                 set index [expr $index + 1]                 exp_continue         }         #final case escapes exp_continue, , sets free space         -nocase -re "\\((.*) bytes free" {set free $expect_out(1,string)} } 

here example of output of "send dir /recursive"

directory of flash:/*  2  -rwx    17620224  apr 20 2015 00:49:13 +00:00  c3560-ipservicesk9-mz.150-2.se7.bin 3  -rwx        2236   mar 1 1993 00:01:02 +00:00  vlan.dat 4  -rwx        4560  apr 22 2015 14:30:05 +00:00  private-config.text 7  -rwx       32329  apr 17 2015 23:09:06 +00:00  backup_config 6  -rwx        3096  apr 22 2015 14:30:05 +00:00  multiple-fs 8  -rwx       32344  apr 22 2015 14:30:04 +00:00  config.text  directory of flash:/testfolder      9  -rwx        2236  apr 23 2015 02:01:08 +00:00  c3560-ipservicesk9-mz.120-2.se7.bin  27998208 bytes total (10151936 bytes free) 

when print out array, have 1 value flash:/testfolder/c3560-ipservicesk9-mz.120-2.se7.bin"

my algorithm wrong, how go parsing data?


this code ended with, although dinesh's code works well

expect {         -nocase -re "directory of.+#" {                 set input $expect_out(buffer)                 set filesystem $input                 set data [split $filesystem "\r"]                 foreach dat $data {                         if { [regexp -nocase {directory of} $dat] } {                                 regexp -nocase {directory of (.+)} $dat -> fs                                 regsub -all {/\*} $fs "" fs                         }                         if { [regexp -nocase {bin} $dat] } {                                 regexp -nocase { ([^[:space:]]+bin)} $dat -> f                                 if { [regexp {/} $fs] } {                                         lappend ioses $fs/$f                                 } else {                                         lappend ioses $fs$f                                 }                         }                         if { [regexp -nocase {bytes free} $dat] } {                                 regexp -nocase {\((.*) bytes free} $dat -> free                         }                 }         } } 

since have match multiple items, better match content till whole output of command dir /recursive.

send "dir /recursive\r" expect -re "(.*)<till prompt>" 

here prompt can $ or > or #. 1 generalized approach can

set prompt "#|>|\\\$"; # backslashes match literal dollar sign 

once have whole content expect_out array, apply regexp , results.

i assuming input variable having whole content. demonstrate same, have assigned 1 variable.

set input " directory of flash:/*  2  -rwx    17620224  apr 20 2015 00:49:13 +00:00  c3560-ipservicesk9-mz.150-2.se7.bin 3  -rwx        2236   mar 1 1993 00:01:02 +00:00  vlan.dat 4  -rwx        4560  apr 22 2015 14:30:05 +00:00  private-config.text 7  -rwx       32329  apr 17 2015 23:09:06 +00:00  backup_config 6  -rwx        3096  apr 22 2015 14:30:05 +00:00  multiple-fs 8  -rwx       32344  apr 22 2015 14:30:04 +00:00  config.text  directory of flash:/testfolder      9  -rwx        2236  apr 23 2015 02:01:08 +00:00  c3560-ipservicesk9-mz.120-2.se7.bin  27998208 bytes total (10151936 bytes free)  "  # -all => match occurrence of pattern in given input # -line => enable newline-sensitive matching. default, newline  # ordinary character no special meaning. # -inline => matched words list set  dirnames [regexp -line -all -nocase -inline {directory of\s(\s+).*} $input] #puts $dirnames set filenames [regexp -line -all -inline {\s+\.bin} $input] #puts $filenames regexp {(\d+) bytes free} $input ignore freespace  foreach {ignore actualdir} $dirnames filename $filenames {     //checking if contains '/*' or not.     if {[regsub {/\*} $actualdir {} actualdir]} {         lappend result $actualdir:$filename     } else {         lappend result "$actualdir/$filename"     } }    foreach elem $result {     puts $elem } puts "free space : $freespace" 

output :

flash:c3560-ipservicesk9-mz.150-2.se7.bin flash:/testfolder/c3560-ipservicesk9-mz.120-2.se7.bin free space : 10151936 

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