python - How can I place a best fit line to the plotted points? -

i have simple plot containing 2 datasets in arrays, , trying use regression calculate best fit line through points.

however line getting way off left , of data points.

how can line in right place, , there other tips , suggestions code?

from pylab import *  = array([-13.74,-13.86,-13.32,-18.41,-23.83]) gra = array([31.98,29.41,28.12,34.28,40.09]) plot(gra,is,'kx') (m,b) = polyfit(is,gra,1) print(b) print(m) z = polyval([m,b],is) plot(is,z,'k--') 

if curious, data bandgap of silicon transistor @ various temperatures.

you have careful of arrays pass x coordinates , y coordinates. consider have data values y @ positions x. have evaluate polynomial wrt. x too.

from pylab import*  = array([-13.74,-13.86,-13.32,-18.41,-23.83]) gra = array([31.98,29.41,28.12,34.28,40.09])  # rename variables clarity x = gra y =  plot(x, y, 'kx') (m,b) = polyfit(x, y, 1) print(b) print(m) z = polyval([m,b], x) plot(x, z, 'k--') show() 

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