vba - Access Query with Variable and Export to Excel -

when pressing button execute sql statement uses variable.

for example:

select a, b,  data  not null    , b = '&<variable>&'; 

then result of query shall exported worksheet of excel file.

you might have create sql on fly , save docmd.outputto method export you. like.

option compare database option explicit  sub exportquerytoexcel()     dim dbobj dao.database, qdobj dao.querydef     dim filepath string, sqltext string, yourvariable string     set dbobj = currentdb      yourvariable = "apple"      sqltext = "select a, b, c not null , b = '" & yourvariable & "'"     filepath = "c:\users\p\desktop\filename.xlsx"      on error resume next     dbobj               .querydefs.delete "tmpdataqry"         set qdfnew = .createquerydef("tmpdataqry", sqltext)         .close     end     on error goto 0      docmd.outputto acoutputquery, "tmpdataqry", acformatxlsx, filepath      set qdobj = nothing     set dbobj = nothing end sub 

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