selenium webdriver - Select an element from drop-down list using java -

i wondering how select element after found in ddl (drop-down list). function can find element failed select it; tried click didn't work.
code is:

    public static  void selectguestcountry()     {         webelement droplist = driver.findelement(by.classname("sboptions"));          list<webelement> alloptions = droplist.findelements(by.tagname("a"));         system.out.println("total options in list --> " + alloptions.size());          (int i=0;i<alloptions.size();i++ )         {             //system.out.println("++> " + alloptions.get(i).getattribute("text"));             if(alloptions.get(i).getattribute("text").equals("france")) {                 system.out.println("++++>" + alloptions.get(i).getattribute("text"));                 **alloptions.get(i).click();**// doesn't select country                 break;         }       } --------------------------------------------------------------- 

here html code, thanks:

<div class="guestform"> <input id="" type="hidden" value="0" name="reservations[0].guests[0].id"> <br> <div class="form-border"> <h5> <div class="field-col left"> <div class="field-col right"> <div> <div class="emails"> <div class="contactinfo"> <div class="field-row"> <label class="ellipsis" title="organization">organization</label> <input id="reservations0.guests0.organization" class="field" type="text" maxlength="40" value="" name="reservations[0].guests[0].organization"> </div> <div class="field-row select-big country"> <label> <select id="" class="selectbox" onchange="populatestates(this);" name="reservations[0].guests[0]" sb="73833889" style="display: none;"> <div id="sbholder_73833889" class="sbholder"> <a id="sbtoggle_73833889" class="sbtoggle" href="#"></a> <a id="sbselector_73833889" class="sbselector" href="#">select country</a> <ul id="sboptions_73833889" class="sboptions" style="display: none;"> <li> <li> <a href="#us" rel="us">united states</a> </li> <li> <a href="#af" rel="af">afghanistan</a> </li> <li> <li> <li>` 

few minor tweaks code, please read below if acceptable :

use select object instead of webelement find ddl object, can use selectbyindex (easier per code) select element list.

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