hadoop - How to read Snappy Compressed file from S3 in Java -

currently running mapreduce job in hadoop in output compressed snappycompression. moving output file s3. want read compressed file s3 through java.

i found answer read snappy compressed file s3. first should object content s3. , decompress file.

    s3object s3object = s3client.getobject(new getobjectrequest(bucketname,path));     inputstream incontent = s3object.getobjectcontent();     compressioncodec codec = (compressioncodec) reflectionutils.newinstance(snappycodec.class, new configuration());     inputstream instream = codec.createinputstream(new bufferedinputstream(incontent));     inputstreamreader  inread = new inputstreamreader(instream);     bufferedreader br = new bufferedreader(inread);     string line=null;     while ((line = br.readline()) != null){         system.out.println(line);     }    

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