java - OrientDB register Hooks -

i'm trying out hooks on orientdb, i'm not sure how register orecordhooks on graph.

orientgraph graph = new orientgraph("remote:localhost/test"); myhook hook = new myhook(); 

the myhook class looks this:

public class myhook extends orecordhookabstract implements         odatabaselifecyclelistener {      public myhook() {         orient.instance().adddblifecyclelistener(this);     }     @override     public distributed_execution_mode getdistributedexecutionmode() {         system.out.println("0");         return null;     }     @override     public priority getpriority() {         system.out.println("1");         return priority.first;     }     @override     public void onrecordaftercreate(orecord irecord) {         system.out.println("2");     }     @override     public result onrecordbeforecreate(orecord irecord) {         system.out.println("3");         return orecordhook.result.record_changed;     }     @override     public result onrecordbeforeread(orecord irecord) {         system.out.println("4");         return orecordhook.result.record_changed;     }     @override     public void onrecordafterread(orecord irecord) {         system.out.println("5");     }     @override     public result onrecordbeforeupdate(orecord irecord) {         system.out.println("6");         return orecordhook.result.record_changed;     }     @override     public void onrecordafterupdate(orecord irecord) {         system.out.println("7");     }     @override     public result onrecordbeforedelete(orecord irecord) {         system.out.println("8");         return orecordhook.result.record_changed;     }     @override     public void onrecordafterdelete(orecord irecord) {         system.out.println("9");     }     @override     public void oncreate(odatabaseinternal idatabase) {e         system.out.println("10");         idatabase.registerhook(this);     }     @override     public void onopen(odatabaseinternal idatabase) {         system.out.println("11");         idatabase.registerhook(this);     }     @override     public void onclose(odatabaseinternal idatabase) {         system.out.println("12");         idatabase.unregisterhook(this);     }     @override     public void oncreateclass(odatabaseinternal idatabase, oclass iclass) {         system.out.println("13");     }     @override     public void ondropclass(odatabaseinternal idatabase, oclass iclass) {         system.out.println("14");     } } 

after creating , deleting bunch of vertices , edges hooks 1, 13 , 12 fire, getpriority(), oncreateclass() , onclose(). why don't of orecordhooks fire?

to register hook on orientgraph instance can following:


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