sql server - Replacing a string before the last "\" character in SQL query -


select filepath table filepath not null 

it'll return \\server\folder1\folder2\filename.tif

i need query replace "\\server\folder1\folder2\" variable that's in stored procedure (@path) , end format of file .jpg.

so result @path + '.jpg'

how go doing this?

you can use combination of string functions reverse, substring, left , charindex:

create table yourtable(filepath varchar(2000)) insert yourtable values('\\server\folder1\folder2\filename.tif');  declare @path varchar(2000) = 'path\to\folder\' select      [file] = reverse(left(reverse(filepath), charindex('\', reverse(filepath),0) - 1)),     [file without ext] =          substring(             reverse(left(reverse(filepath), charindex('\', reverse(filepath), 0) - 1)),              0,              charindex(                 '.',                  reverse(left(reverse(filepath), charindex('\', reverse(filepath), 0) - 1)),                  0             )         ),     [final string] =          @path +         substring(             reverse(left(reverse(filepath), charindex('\', reverse(filepath), 0) - 1)),              0,              charindex(                 '.',                  reverse(left(reverse(filepath), charindex('\', reverse(filepath), 0) - 1)),                  0             )         ) +         '.jpg' yourtable 

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