phpmyadmin - Preserving character set when importing .CSV file to MySQL -
i want import .xlsx
file ~60k rows mysql. columns contain vietnamese characters. managed convert .xlsx
without messing character set. can't same when importing .csv
i used load data infile. looks this:
load data local infile 'c:/projekt/big data/events.csv' table database.table fields terminated ',' enclosed '"' lines terminated '\n' ignore 1 lines;
this method imports data fine character set of vietnamese characters totally messed up. did change table's collation utf8_unicode_ci
i test traditional import method of mysql smaller datasets , preserves font perfectly. cannot use since file's size exceeds limit of mysql.
really appreciate if me this.
try explicit character set specify import:
load data local infile 'c:/projekt/big data/events.csv' table database.table character set utf8 fields terminated ',' enclosed '"' lines terminated '\n' ignore 1 lines;
see docs more details loading file.