python - Sorting list by values -
i'm trying sort dictionary values code has been erroring. have 3 files consisting of scores (in format "bob:4", line breaks between each score.
for k in d.keys(): nlist = d[k][-3:] v in nlist: nlist2 = max(nlist) sortd = sorted(nlist2.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]) print('{}: {} '.format(k, sortd))
this resulted in error "attributeerror: 'list' object has no attribute 'items'".
what causing error?
for revised question could:
nlist2 = {k:max(d[k][-3:]) k in d} sortd = sorted(nlist2.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]) in sortd: print('{}: {} '.format(a[0], a[1]))
or use -x[1] if want highest first