three.js - Changing easing parameters -

i have tweening function animate camera angle using "easing.elastic.out". how change period , amplitude of easing?

camera.lookat(scene);  var controls = new three.orbitcontrols(camera, renderer.domelement);    function camtweenleft (startangle){  		 var prevangle=startangle;  		 var tween = new tween.tween({angle:startangle})  	 	.to({angle:startangle - 40*math.pi/180},1000)  		.easing(tween.easing.elastic.out)  		.onupdate(function(){  			controls.rotateleft(this.angle-prevangle);  			prevangle=this.angle;  		})  		.start()  	 }

check tween js documentation library used three.js not part of it.

the graphs example shows easing functions can have @

you can create own custom easing function.

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