linux - Undefined variable in shell script by using ssh -

i use shell script run r program following:

host_list="server@com" directory="/home/program/" ssh -f "$host_list" 'cd $directory && nohup rscript l_1.r> l_1_sh.txt' 

but says

directory: undefined variable. 

ssh not propagate environment variables. you're setting on environment of local client ssh program, not on server side. hack, stick inside commands ssh running remotely, instead of pre-command environment setup.

host_list="server@com"  ssh -f "$host_list" 'directory="/home/program/"; cd "$directory" && nohup ...' 

here's simpler version of command let test without depending on particular program setup.

ssh localhost dir="/etc"; echo dir "$dir"; cd "$dir" && pwd && ps 

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