eclipse - When I compile this with Ant the exclude tag does not work -

this ant build.xml:

    <target name = "build" depends="clean" description = "compile main source tree java files">       <mkdir dir = "${build.dir}"/>        <javac destdir = "${build.dir}" source = "1.6" target = "1.6" debug = "true"          deprecation = "false" optimize = "false" failonerror = "false"          includeantruntime="true" >          <src path = "${src.dir}"/>         <include name="com/**/*" />          <exclude name="${src.dir}/com/cheom/db/"/>          <classpath refid = "master-classpath"/>        </javac>    </target> 

and console output:

    [javac] compiling 5 source files /users/josh/google drive/workdocs/jee/monitordbflow/classes [javac] /users/josh/google drive/workdocs/jee/monitordbflow/src/com/cheom/db/ package org.junit not exist [javac] import static org.junit.assert.*; [javac]                        ^ [javac] /users/josh/google drive/workdocs/jee/monitordbflow/src/com/cheom/db/ package org.junit not exist [javac] import org.junit.test; [javac]                 ^ [javac] /users/josh/google drive/workdocs/jee/monitordbflow/src/com/cheom/db/ cannot find symbol [javac] symbol  : class test [javac] location: class com.cheom.db.dbmethodtest [javac]     @test [javac]      ^ [javac] /users/josh/google drive/workdocs/jee/monitordbflow/src/com/cheom/db/ package org.junit not exist [javac] import static org.junit.assert.*; [javac]                        ^ [javac] /users/josh/google drive/workdocs/jee/monitordbflow/src/com/cheom/db/ package org.junit not exist [javac] import org.junit.test; [javac]                 ^ [javac] /users/josh/google drive/workdocs/jee/monitordbflow/src/com/cheom/db/ cannot find symbol [javac] symbol  : class test [javac] location: class com.cheom.db.dbmethodtest [javac]     @test [javac]      ^ [javac] 3 errors [javac] compile failed; see compiler error output details. 

i want exclude filem exclude tag not work. tried in eclipse ide , terminal ant version 1.9.4. there problem code?

there no junit jars in classpath.

-cp path or -classpath path specify find user class files, , (optionally) annotation processors , source files. class path overrides user class path in classpath environment variable. if neither classpath, -cp nor -classpath specified, user class path consists of current directory. see setting class path more details. javac doc

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