java - Android - Cannot resolve symbol "R" -

many responses on stackoverflow advised import r. did enter image description here , made sure rebuild/clean path on 10 times before asking question.

here how files arranged: enter image description here

we can see error lies somewhere between mainactivity file or xml file.

here code mainactivity file , pretty copy google's git hub account , error cannot identity "r" is.:

    package com.eatwithme;  /*  * copyright (c) 2015 google inc. rights reserved.  *  *  licensed under apache license, version 2.0 (the "license");  *  may not use file except in compliance license.  *  may obtain copy of license @  *  *  *  *  unless required applicable law or agreed in writing, software  *  distributed under license distributed on "as is" basis,  *  without warranties or conditions of kind, either express or implied.  *  see license specific language governing permissions ,  *  limitations under license.  */  import android.content.res.resources; import; import android.os.bundle; import android.text.html; import android.text.spanned; import android.view.view; import android.widget.adapterview; import android.widget.autocompletetextview; import android.widget.button; import android.widget.textview; import android.widget.toast;  import com.eatwithme.activities.sampleactivitybase; import com.eatwithme.logger.log; import com.eatwithme.r; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import;    public class mainactivity extends sampleactivitybase         implements googleapiclient.onconnectionfailedlistener, googleapiclient.connectioncallbacks {      /**      * googleapiclient wraps our service connection google play services , provides access      * user's sign in state google's apis.      */     protected googleapiclient mgoogleapiclient;      private placeautocompleteadapter madapter;      private autocompletetextview mautocompleteview;     private textview mplacedetailstext;      private static final latlngbounds bounds_greater_sydney = new latlngbounds(             new latlng(-34.041458, 150.790100), new latlng(-33.682247, 151.383362));      @override     protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {         super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);          // set google api client if has not been initialised yet.         if (mgoogleapiclient == null) {             rebuildgoogleapiclient();         }          setcontentview(r.layout.activity_main);          // retrieve autocompletetextview display place suggestions.         mautocompleteview = (autocompletetextview)                 findviewbyid(;          // register listener receives callbacks when suggestion has been selected         mautocompleteview.setonitemclicklistener(mautocompleteclicklistener);          // retrieve textview display details of selected place.         mplacedetailstext = (textview) findviewbyid(;          // set adapter retrieve suggestions places geo data api cover         // entire world.         madapter = new placeautocompleteadapter(this, android.r.layout.simple_list_item_1,                 bounds_greater_sydney, null);         mautocompleteview.setadapter(madapter);          // set 'clear text' button clears text in autocomplete view         button clearbutton = (button) findviewbyid(;         clearbutton.setonclicklistener(new view.onclicklistener() {             @override             public void onclick(view v) {                 mautocompleteview.settext("");             }         });     }      /**      * listener handles selections suggestions autocompletetextview      * displays place suggestions.      * gets place id of selected item , issues request places geo data api      * retrieve more details place.      *      * @see,      * string...)      */     private adapterview.onitemclicklistener mautocompleteclicklistener             = new adapterview.onitemclicklistener() {         @override         public void onitemclick(adapterview<?> parent, view view, int position, long id) {             /*              retrieve place id of selected item adapter.              adapter stores each place suggestion in placeautocomplete object              read place id.               */             final placeautocompleteadapter.placeautocomplete item = madapter.getitem(position);             final string placeid = string.valueof(item.placeid);             log.i(tag, "autocomplete item selected: " + item.description);              /*              issue request places geo data api retrieve place object additional               details place.               */             pendingresult<placebuffer> placeresult = places.geodataapi                     .getplacebyid(mgoogleapiclient, placeid);             placeresult.setresultcallback(mupdateplacedetailscallback);              toast.maketext(getapplicationcontext(), "clicked: " + item.description,                     toast.length_short).show();             log.i(tag, "called getplacebyid place details " + item.placeid);         }     };      /**      * callback results places geo data api query shows first place result in      * details view on screen.      */     private resultcallback<placebuffer> mupdateplacedetailscallback             = new resultcallback<placebuffer>() {         @override         public void onresult(placebuffer places) {             if (!places.getstatus().issuccess()) {                 // request did not complete                 log.e(tag, "place query did not complete. error: " + places.getstatus().tostring());                  return;             }             // place object buffer.             final place place = places.get(0);              // format details of place display , show in textview.             mplacedetailstext.settext(formatplacedetails(getresources(), place.getname(),                     place.getid(), place.getaddress(), place.getphonenumber(),                     place.getwebsiteuri()));              log.i(tag, "place details received: " + place.getname());         }     };      private static spanned formatplacedetails(resources res, charsequence name, string id,                                               charsequence address, charsequence phonenumber, uri websiteuri) {         log.e(tag, res.getstring(r.string.place_details, name, id, address, phonenumber,                 websiteuri));         return html.fromhtml(res.getstring(r.string.place_details, name, id, address, phonenumber,                 websiteuri));      }       /**      * construct googleapiclient {@link places#geo_data_api} using automanage      * functionality.      * automatically sets api client handle activity lifecycle events.      */     protected synchronized void rebuildgoogleapiclient() {         // when build googleapiclient specify connected , connection failed         // callbacks should returned, google apis our app uses , oauth 2.0         // scopes our app requests.         mgoogleapiclient = new googleapiclient.builder(this)                 .enableautomanage(this, 0 /* clientid */, this)                 .addconnectioncallbacks(this)                 .addapi(places.geo_data_api)                 .build();     }      /**      * called when activity not connect google play services , auto manager      * resolve error automatically.      * in case api not available , notify user.      *      * @param connectionresult can inspected determine cause of failure      */     @override     public void onconnectionfailed(connectionresult connectionresult) {          log.e(tag, "onconnectionfailed: connectionresult.geterrorcode() = "                 + connectionresult.geterrorcode());          // todo(developer): check error code , notify user of error state , resolution.         toast.maketext(this,                 "could not connect google api client: error " + connectionresult.geterrorcode(),                 toast.length_short).show();          // disable api access in adapter because client not initialised correctly.         madapter.setgoogleapiclient(null);      }       @override     public void onconnected(bundle bundle) {         // connected api client. pass adapter enable api access.         madapter.setgoogleapiclient(mgoogleapiclient);         log.i(tag, "googleapiclient connected.");      }      @override     public void onconnectionsuspended(int i) {         // connection api client has been suspended. disable api access in client.         madapter.setgoogleapiclient(null);         log.e(tag, "googleapiclient connection suspended.");     }  } 

also, here my android manifest file (with key removed). please notice activity's name. did cause if remove com.eatwithme before activity's name, gives me error.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <manifest xmlns:android=""     package=""     android:versioncode="1"     android:versionname="1.0"> <uses-sdk     android:minsdkversion="14"     android:targetsdkversion="19"/>  <!-- placepicker requires opengl es version 2 --> <uses-feature     android:glesversion="0x00020000"     android:required="true"/>  <uses-permission android:name=""/>  <application     android:allowbackup="true"     android:label="@string/app_name"     android:icon="@mipmap/ic_launcher"     android:theme="@style/apptheme">      <meta-data         android:name=""         android:value="@integer/google_play_services_version"/>      <meta-data         android:name=""         android:value="anle"/>      <activity         android:name="com.eatwithme.mainactivity"         android:label="@string/app_name">         <intent-filter>             <action android:name="android.intent.action.main"/>             <category android:name="android.intent.category.launcher"/>         </intent-filter>     </activity> </application> 

i have tried level best sadly, unable resolve conflict. 3 sources of error in opinion

1) have no r file

no r file

2) andoridmanifest file not right

3) main file isnt right 4) order of file isnt right

any guidance on issue?

the problem lies in xml manifest here:

<manifest xmlns:android="" wrong --> package="" android:versioncode="1" android:versionname="1.0"> 

it needs exact package name of project is:


not google sample package name.

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